
Denmark's largest marketplace for freelancers and consultants

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Worksome connects highly skilled consultants and specialists with companies wanting access to flexible talent to solve their critical business issues.

Worksome is a platform that makes companies’ recruitment quick, efficient and agile, by matching talent and competencies with companies’ demand. They screen and gather the best talents in all of the knowledge-heavy fields, and it’s easy and free to create a job post.

The brief

The client was looking to develop a new creative direction and redesign worksomes' landing page. The brief was to look at the landing page and it's sections and redesign each part one by one.

One of the requirements was to build on top of the previous brand by keeping the primary blue color with the possibility of updating it, making it stronger and more modern.

The deliverables

The deliverables included:

Color palette




Redesigned landing page

Redesigned blog article with a new typographic scale

Previous web design and branding

Designing the hero area

In order to explore different creative directions I have suggested to the client that I will mock up 3 different versions of the hero area.

Further iterations on the favourite design

Version 3 was picked by the client as the favourite and preferred creative direction. An adjustment and requirement was to remove imagery and instead make the color and shapes an integral part of the design.

This was a starting point and direction on which I have further iterated and from which I have derived and based the color palette, iconography and illustrational style on.

Color palette

The color palette is further derived from the vivid purple present in the hero area exploration.



Home page

Blog article